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Deduplicate Your Salesforce Data in 3 Simple Steps

Deduplicate Your Salesforce Data in 3 Simple Steps

Deduplicate Your Salesforce Data in 3 Simple Steps

Deduplicate Your Salesforce Data in 3 Simple Steps

Introduction to Data Deduplication Needs

As long as there are large amounts of data either all in one place or merged from several different locations, there will be a need for deduplication. Human error is a big reason why duplicate data occurs and why deduplication is necessary when you have multiple team members saving contacts, profiles, and deal information in one or more locations. Many errors can also occur when merging contacts in Salesforce or another CRM of choice. Duplicates in your Salesforce data can cause delays and even inaccuracies for your Sales and Lead Generation teams.

Research shows that 83% of companies encounter challenges regarding cross-channel marketing, stating that inaccurate and redundant data is the main reason for these challenges.

When to Consider Salesforce Deduplication

There are ideal scenarios for implementing deduplication with Salesforce. To figure out if the Salesforce Duplicate Management tool is the best solution for your needs, use this checklist:

  • Are you new to Salesforce?

  • Do you have < 10,000 new records added to your Salesforce per day?

  • Do you have several team members adding records to your lists?

  • Do you have >100 clients and a handful of new leads each month?

  • Do you need list clean-up, deduplication prevention, or both?

You need to have several leads and records happening in short periods even to have duplications constantly happening—the more leads, the higher odds of duplicates. If you only need a one-time clean-up or you’re merging several lists to one place for better organizations, it’s better to work with an automation platform that can understand your needs and scale with your business.

Pssst… That’s where Wrk comes in. Check out our Deduplication Wrkflow to get your lead lists clean and up-to-date so your team can focus on closing deals and not using outdated information.

Methodology of Salesforce Deduplication

What does Salesforce do to deduplicate your redundant data?

Every company’s deduplication logic is different and depends on where they are getting their data from, and which workflows and what business processes they use. So there really is no magic formula or one-size-fits-all approach.

Salesforce is one of the most popular customer relationship management (CRM) platforms, with close to 20% of the global CRM market.

Salesforce, of course, has its own deduplication feature built in—known as Matching Rules and Duplicate Rules. Here’s how the process works and the different options available for your needs. These are the 3 different steps that they use to deduplicate Salesforce data:

Step 1. Deduplicate one contact at a time

Duplicates can be detected at any point of your process and it can be done by users and by bots or APIs. You can set up a rule that will alert your team that a contact that may already exist or have a partial record has been added.

Step 2. Deduplicate in bulk when merging contacts in Salesforce

Salesforce has recently improved their batching process for Duplicate Management by expanding their capabilities to run deduplication periodically in order to detect duplicates in mass, in your already existing data.

Step 3. Stop duplication at the source

Establish a strategy for how leads should be saved and added by your team. A one-time clean-up is only a temporary fix. Prevention and scheduled clean-ups are key to keeping your Salesforce in the best state for everyone to work effortlessly.

The Right Tool for the Job

Pick the right tool for deduplication—that might not be Salesforce

There are many situations where Salesforce might not be the best option for your company. There are important limitations to keep in mind. For example, Salesforce only updates when a duplicate is created by a manual insert, which means you might lose data if the information is imported from outside of Salesforce, or created by an API.

When merging contacts in Salesforce, you can only merge three records at a time. Regardless of how many duplicates you have, you must repeat the process until you've merged all duplicates.

Another limitation that you’ll find is if you need to process large amounts of data, and quickly. This is less than ideal for people who need results immediately.

For more information on finding the best Deduplication process for you, check out the benefits of Wrk's Deduplication Wrkflow and remove your redundant data TODAY.


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