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Marketing Automation: Turning Lemons Into Lemonade

<strong>Empower Your Team and Engage Your Audience with a Hybrid Approach to Marketing Automation.</strong> This eBook shows how the Wrk Platform can assist Marketing teams to turn an uncertain today into a much brighter tomorrow. &nbsp;

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Using marketing automation for longer-lasting solutions

Marketing automation is the technology that enables your team to manage their marketing processes, multifunctional campaigns, across multiple channels, all entirely automatically. Your Marketing team will be able to target prospects with automated messages across email, web, social media, and even text. Your revenue-generating departments will be able to use marketing automation to automate their more repetitive mundane tasks, and free up the time of every team member to focus on high-value efforts like analysis, lead outreach, and strategizing.

Marketing automation can also help with lead generation, nurturing, and prospecting. They can also provide an overview of the data from each ad or email campaign, resizing ads, changing CTAs, swapping out partner logos, and even export pngs, animated gifs, and videos.

Marketing today requires agility, personalization, and a completely optimized approach.

In the latest edition of our Marketing eBook, we take a detailed look at the long-term solutions Hybrid Automation offers innovative teams looking for more than just a temporary stop-gap.

You'll also learn how to:

  • Use marketing automation as a long-lasting solution;
  • Improve your email engagement;
  • Automate your social media outreach;
  • Increase your output from a fully remote setting;
  • Empower your team and engage with your customers with Hybrid Automation;
  • And much more…

The evolution of Marketing

Marketing is consistently evolving, whether it's new technology to help facilitate your marketing tasks, or new forms of communication and trends trying to meet your consumers where they are, the goal remains the same—how to stand out from the crowd.

Recent surveys have found that marketing automation has saved 74% more time, increased customer engagement by 68%, and helped teams provide more timely communication 58% of the time to each user.

While some businesses have felt the urgency to adopt marketing automation as a temporary solution, accelerated during the last few years due to the need to adapt to a remote workforce. Companies are now considering marketing automation as a more long-term solution as they look at big-picture strategies and produce more effective digital campaigns.

The Wrk Automation Platform is designed to scale and grow with you. Is automation the right move for your company?

Find the answer in our marketing automation eBook today!