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20 Questions with Yonis Abdillahi, Software Engineer and Foodie!

20 Questions with Yonis Abdillahi, Software Engineer and Foodie!

20 Questions with Yonis Abdillahi, Software Engineer and Foodie!

20 Questions with Yonis Abdillahi, Software Engineer and Foodie!

Welcome to 20 Questions with Wrk—a variation on the classic roadtrip game where we pose 20 questions to a member of the intriguing cast of characters we are assembling here at Wrk. Unlike the original version of the game, our interviewees are free to answer questions fully so that we can really understand what makes them tick! OK, let's get to it and see what's inspiring our team today!

1. Your biggest guilty pleasure?

I am Foodie, so food is my guilty pleasure! I love eating out and trying new cuisines.

2. A perfect Saturday afternoon is…

Grabbing breakfast at my favourite spot! They have the best avocado toast and french toast. Going down to the beach and chilling with friends and heading out on the town that evening.

3. The last podcast you listened to?

How I built this - Guy Raz
The best podcast in the game!

4. The next country you want to visit (once it is safe to do so)?

Brazil, I was so close to going when they hosted the World Cup a few years ago. It's still on my bucket list.

5. What do your parents think you do at Wrk?

My parents are really pleased with my career move from enterprise software into the start-up world. They know I am an efficiency junkie and that's why work makes me feel right at home.

6. What you actually do at Wrk?

I am a Software Engineer on the client-side team. I primarily work on the client-facing parts of the platform. In particular, the Wrkflow designer.

7. Your favourite lockdown activity was

Running through Netflix series' guilt-free. It was the first time in my life that I had that much time at home.

8. Your go-to karaoke song?

In Da Club - 50 Cent

9. The last book you read?

48 Laws of Power.

10. What can you not live without?

The internet! I can live without a phone but without the internet, I feel like I would be living off the grid.

11. What has the bright side of the pandemic been for you?

The flexibility has been the most refreshing.

12. Describe Wrk in 3 words

Changing Work forever.

13. The best thing about working from home?

Being able to escape the commute.

14. And the worst?

Having to blend life and work in the same space. It was a challenge at first but I got the hang of it now and I love it.

15. If you had one superpower what would it be?

My ability to consume information and retain it.

16. Your top 3 dinner guests (dead or alive) and why

  • Michael Jordan

  • Michael Jackson

  • Kobe Bryant

17. Your proudest career moment to date?

My proudest moment to date is when I helped save an upgrade to a new version of software at my previous role. I was able to troubleshoot the bug and enable the upgrade to go smoothly onsite. This saved the company tons of money and time.

18. What about Wrk fills you with pride?

The impact Wrk is going to have on how people work. This is going to be big stuff and I am so proud to be on this rocket ship.

19. Your favourite Nicholas Cage movie?


20. Finally, pineapple on pizza. Yay or nay?

A big Yay! I love pineapples so adding it to pizza just makes pizza that much better.

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Kickstart your automation journey with the Wrk all-in-one automation platform

Start Automating with Wrk

Kickstart your automation journey with the Wrk all-in-one automation platform

Start Automating with Wrk

Kickstart your automation journey with the Wrk all-in-one automation platform