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Humanizing Automation: The Benefits of a Solution-Focused Approach to Automation — Wrk

Humanizing Automation: The Benefits of a Solution-Focused Approach to Automation — Wrk

Humanizing Automation: The Benefits of a Solution-Focused Approach to Automation — Wrk

Humanizing Automation: The Benefits of a Solution-Focused Approach to Automation — Wrk

This content was first published on Dublin Tech Summit's blog.


Automation has quickly become one of the most important aspects of the digital transformation landscape and is on a steep upward trajectory. It is being deployed in every department and across all industries worldwide. Who knows, maybe you’re even using it yourself!

Automation Trends

A 2020 Mckinsey study of over 1,000 respondents revealed that 66% of businesses are either piloting automation, have fully automated at least one internal workflow, or are scaling automation processes across multiple parts of their business. It’s no secret that automation allows organizations to streamline their processes and complete more work in a shorter amount of time. But there are a range of automation solutions to choose from. These may include robotic process automation (RPA), application programming interfaces (APIs), or hybrid automation.


RPA involves the use of virtual bots to deploy processes when they are given a specific set of instructions. One main player in this space is Blue Prism. RPA is mostly known for delivering a high volume of work with great speed. With clearly defined instructions, including any exceptions to rules, there will be no errors. Many companies are introducing RPA to tackle time-consuming tasks that erode efficiency and reduce employee morale. A 2017 Deloitte survey showed that 53% of respondents introduced RPA for processes, with another 19% planning to adopt RPA in the next 2 years. In the long run, RPA has been shown to save costs.


Application programming interfaces or APIs are integration platforms that connect programs and softwares. Main players in the API field include Zapier and Pipefy. Basically, these platforms allow programs to talk to each other in order to access data, like automating the process of transferring Linkedin leads to Salesforce. One real-life example is when you insert a URL into your search browser on the internet. Browsers interact with internet servers to deliver relevant content and information. Similarly, if you have ever used Uber or Lyft then you’ve probably used an API. APIs work in the background when you request a ride, connecting you with a driver, delivering location information to the driver, and also enabling you to track their progress. In a broad sense, APIs usually require extensive coding knowledge in order to implement. However, when outsourcing API to an integration platform service, the process to implement it is actually relatively easy and fast as it often involves dragging and dropping processes into a workflow.

A Blended Automation Experience

Traditional automation solutions offer many benefits, but they also have their respective drawbacks. The best path to a simple and successful automation integration is to blend them all together onto one unique platform. The Wrk platform combines the power of RPA and APIs to work seamlessly alongside your internal.

The Best of All Worlds

Digital transformation will only continue to accelerate moving forward, and with that, the need to automate processes will continue to grow. If the past year has taught us anything at all, it is that businesses need to pivot quickly to adapt to any and all changes that may occur. Some departments, like customer service and customer support, will be forever changed due to the pandemic, with the need to deliver services to customers wherever they are. With e-commerce sales at an all-time high, on-demand services like chatbots and virtual assistants are necessary now more than ever. All departments from sales, to marketing, to HR, will need to develop new strategies that contribute to the bottom line. But the daily tasks that are time-consuming and tedious will never disappear. By completing these tasks for you, Wrk’s unique approach to automation strives to empower your team by giving them the bandwidth to focus on the bigger picture. And by empowering your team, automation ensures that you and your business are ready for any new challenges and work volume thrown your way. For us at Wrk, the solutions we offer are more important than whether the platform used is RPA or API. We blend all worlds of automation to ensure that our clients’ needs are met. After all, at the end of the day, our promise is to maximize the benefits across the value chain for everyone involved with no exceptions.

Start Automating with Wrk

Kickstart your automation journey with the Wrk all-in-one automation platform

Start Automating with Wrk

Kickstart your automation journey with the Wrk all-in-one automation platform

Start Automating with Wrk

Kickstart your automation journey with the Wrk all-in-one automation platform

Start Automating with Wrk

Kickstart your automation journey with the Wrk all-in-one automation platform